ZTSE4749 Alternative Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal Wear Sleeve Installer
Replaces ZTSE4374 & ZTSE4374B
Applications: EGR Engines: DT466E, I530E, DT570 1995 & Newer, Detroit Diesel Engines with Serial Number Prefix WD and Higher
Attention: Most workshop manuals are incorrect. The only way to make sure you get the correct installer is to check your seal number or measure the diameter of your crankshaft.
- This tool is used on cranks that are 5-1/2" in diameter (Seals 1817867C93, 1817867C92, 1817867C91, 1817767C1, 1817865C1, 10054VX, 5-13851, and 1841139C93 Housing Kit) found in 1995-1998 DT-408, DT466, DT530, and DT570.
- Use FEPRO4637 is used on cranks that are 6-1/8" in diameter (Seals 1841938C1) found in 2000-2016 DT-466, DT530, DT570, HT570, Maxxforce 9, Maxxforce 10, and Maxxforce DT.
- Use FEPRO2535 is used on cranks that are 5" in diameter (Seals 1809964C92, 686444C91) found in 1987-1993 DT360, DT-408, DT466, DT530, and DT570.
- 1994 and 1999 are split years and you must measure the crank to determine the correct tool.