ZTSE4637 Alternative Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal and Wear Sleeve Installer for DT466 and DT570HT
by Ferrum
ZTSE4637 Alternative Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal and Wear Sleeve Installer for DT466 and DT570HT
Applications: DT466, 570HT
Attention: Most workshop manuals are incorrect. The only way to make sure you get the correct installer is to check your seal number or measure the diameter of your crankshaft.
This tool is used on cranks that are 6-1/8" in diameter (Seals 1841938C1) found in 2000-2016 DT-466, DT530, DT570, HT570, Maxxforce 9, Maxxforce 10, and Maxxforce DT. If you're working on a 2010 and newer N9 or N10 with a 7" crank you'll need this tool and adapter FEPRO6054
Use FEPRO2535 on cranks that are 5" in diameter (Seals 1809964C92, 686444C91) found in 1987-1993 DT360, DT-408, DT466, DT530, and DT570.
Use FEPRO4749 on cranks that are 5-1/2" in diameter (Seals 1817867C93, 1817867C92, 1817867C91, 1817767C1, 1817865C1, 10054VX, 5-13851, and 1841139C93 Housing Kit) found in 1995-1998 DT-408, DT466, DT530, and DT570.
1994 and 1999 are split years and you must measure the crank to determine the correct tool.