Volvo D13/FM12 Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal Installer Tool 9990166 88880013 Alt & 88800619 Volvo D13 Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal Installer
by Ferrum
- Volvo Diesel Truck Engine D13/FM12 Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal Installer Tool Heavy Duty Alternative to OEM 9990166 88880013. Volvo D13/FM12 Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal Installer Tool Alternative to OEM 9990166 88880013
- Use this tool for 7"" Crank Seal 85108352. Use this tool and 88800619 for 7"" Crank Seal 22191895. Use this tool or 9998238 for 7"" Crank Seal 1543896. Utilize 9998238 for 7"" Crank Seal 20441481. Use 8800561 for 6"" Crank Seal 20441697.This tool is used to prevent the crankshaft rear oil seal from damage when installing it. Some manuals refer to the 88880013 as 8880013
When installing the oil seal, you won't damage the oil seal. With this tool kit your repair be more convenient and easier.
Use this tool and AM-9990166-88880013 for 7" Crank Seal 22191895
Use 9998238 or AM-9998238 for 7" Crank Seal 20441481
Use 9998238, AM-9998238 or AM-9990166-88880013 for 7" Crank Seal 1543896
Use AM-9990166-88880013 for 7" Crank Seal 85108352
Use 88800561 or AM-88800561 for 6" Crank Seal 20441697
OEM no ref.: 88800619
Also Sold Separately FEPRO0013 and FEPRO0619