JDG10997 Alternative Rear Crankshaft Seal Installer
Use this tool if you're working on a 9.0L PowerTech engine.
Use FEPRO476JD for teflon seals (such as RE520035, RE520036, RE504363, RE22764, AR34682, and AR30382) found in 6-404 and 6-466 engines found in TRACTOR models 4000 4010 4020 4040 4045 4230 4240 4250 4320 4430 4440 4450 4520 4620 4630 4640 4650 4840 4850 6076 6081 6466 7020 8430 8440 8450 and COMBINE models 6600 6602 6620 6622 7700 7720 7722 8820.
Use FEPRO040B for standard flat housing rear seals (such as AR92893, AT22965, RE11036, RE17831, RE24959, RE35885, RE44574 and RE537070)
Implement or industrial applications may use tool FEPRO476JD or FEPRO040B.We have no way of verifying which one you need, short of measuring the crankshaft with a micrometer.