J-42849 Crankshaft Rear Seal Installer Alt ST-207 Stallion
This tool is not aluminum. It is heavy duty steel and will last much longer!
Application: 8.1L 8100, 8.0L Vortec
2001 C/K Truck, G-Van, Med Duty, C3500HD. The rear seal is press fit to both the engine block and crankshaft. Fit of the inner/outer seal bodies is critical and any misalignment can result in leakage. J-42849 is a two piece tool that mounts to the crankshaft and forces on both the inner and outer seal bodies. Place the new seal on the inner body of J-42849. Attach the tool to the end of the crankshaft assembly. Turn the forcing screw on the tool to press the seal until it bottoms in the block.