Google Cummins ISX QSX Engine Front Crankshaft Seal Remover Installer Tool 31 — Ferrum Tools Skip to content
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Cummins ISX QSX Engine Front Crankshaft Seal Remover Installer Tool 3162992 Alternative

by Ferrum

3162992 ISX/QSX Front Crankshaft Seal Remover/Installer Kit Alternative

Seal# 4955383

This tool will not work on ISX12 or ISX15, for those you will need FEPRO8991.

If a spacer is required for your seal, it will come with the seal. The spacer is not part of the tool; it is part of the seal.

***Also Sold as Front and Rear set FEPRO2980***

***Also Sold as Front for Single and Double Overhead Cams FEPRO2989***
