3824078 5395259 2063800090 3165112 3823908 3824501 Alternative CUMMINS 3.9L, 5.9L & 6.7L, ISC 8.3L Front & REAR CRANKSHAFT SEAL & WEAR SLEEVE INSTALLER
by Ferrum
Applications include Paccar PX-6, PX-8, 1989 & Newer Cummins 4BT 3.9L, ISC 8.3L, B Series 5.9L, ISB, ISL 5.9L 6.7L, QSB 5.9L 6.7L and ISL9 L9 9.0L
Works on seal numbers 5259499, 3926126, 3934486, 5405392, 68444256AA and MAHLE 67857 3904087
Includes equivalent of 3163734, 3163628, 2063800090 & 3163741
This special driver is used to install the crankshaft front oil wear sleeve as required to repair crankshafts that have grooves in the crankshaft.
Applications: Paccar PX-8, C Series, ISC 8.3L, 8.3L ISL
OEM Alternative to 3165112 3823908 3824501