173-1530 3126 3116 3114 Injector Seating Tool Group Alt ST-302
- Used to seat entire injector seating land into sleeve (eliminates combustion gas leakage)
- Used with 9U-5019 Torque Wrench
- Trues up out of round injector sleeves that cause combustion gas leakage
- Eliminates need to ream newly installed sleeves
- Eliminates injector clamp bolt load relaxation
- Provides consistent seating force from cylinder to cylinder using a simple forcing screw operation
- Works with existing sleeve removal and installation tooling
- Can be used in place of 142-8281 Plate used for sleeve removal for more control of location
- Forcing bridge mounts same as 142-8281 Plate
- Interchangeable legs work on bare head or with intake manifold in place
Reference: NEHSO738
- Using the 173-1530 Injector Seating Tool Group on 3114, 3116, 3126 MUI and 3116 and 3126 2-Valve HEUI Engine
Alternative to:
- 173-1529 Forcing Bridge
- 173-1534 Short Spacer Leg
- 173-1535 Long Spacer Leg
- 3L-2415 Full Nut and Hex Bolt (forcing bolt)
- 7X-0457 Hex Head Bolt (for forcing bridge)
- 173-1531 Injector Forcing Cover (MUI)
- 173-1532 Injector Forcing Cover (HEUI)
- 175-7801 Wear Button
3114, 3116, 3126 MUI and 3116, 3126 2-Valve HEUI Engines