JDG300 Alternative 6619 & 6531 Rear Crankshaft Wear Sleeve & Teflon Seal Installer John Deere Servicegard Tool
by Ferrum
JDG300 Alternative 6619 & 6531 Rear Crankshaft Wear Sleeve & Teflon Seal Installer John Deere Servicegard Tool
Works on 6531 and 6619 engines often found in models 8650, 8640, 8630, 7520, 6030, 5020, 5010 and other industrial and agricultural equipment.
Supersedes JDE-68
Used with seal #: AS210102 RE13310, AR48492, AR101833, RE13312
Use to simultaneously install the Teflon seal with wear sleeve on rear crankshaft flange of 6531 and 6619 engines because the seal and wear sleeve must remain intact during assembly and handling to avoid possible damage to teflon surface.