DT466E Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal & Wear Sleeve Installer Master Set ZTSE2535C ZTSE4749 ZTSE4637 Alt
by Ferrum
DT466 Rear Crankshaft Oil Seal & Wear Sleeve Installer Master Set ZTSE2535C, ZTSE4749, & ZTSE4637 Alt
Kit Includes/Applications:
FEPRO4749 - EGR Engines: DT466E, I530E, DT570 1995 & Newer, Detroit Diesel Engines with Serial Number Prefix WD and Higher
FEPRO4637 - DT466, 570HT
FEPRO2535 - Early DT360, DT466 1975-1993
Attention: Most workshop manuals are incorrect. The only way to make sure you get the correct installer is to check your seal number or measure the diameter of your crankshaft.