Detroit Diesel DD15 DD16 Engine Cam Timing Multiple Tool Set OEM Alternative
Detroit Diesel DD15 DD16 Engine Timing Tool Set TDC Locating Pin Fuel Line Socket Barring and Camshaft Timing Tools Heavy Duty W47058090900 W470589104000 W470589001500 J 46392 W470589046300 W470589062300 Alt
Detroit Diesel/Mercedes Benz DD15 & DD16 EPA07 EPA10 engines. Includes alternatives to W47058090900, J-48770, W470589001500, W470589104000, W470589046300, W470589062300 and J-46392. Made of high standard quality steel resisting rust, corrosion, and deformation. Includes 1 Camshaft Timing Tool, 1 High Pressure Fuel Line Socket, 1 TDC Locating Pin and 1 Engine Barring Tool. TDC Locating and 1 camshaft timing tool (After 03/23/16)
The camshaft timing tool (W470589062300) has been developed for use with the new camshafts and idler gears. The front timing tool (fork) will no longer be required for timing purposes. Application: DD13/DD15/DD16,GHG17 Built on or after March 23, 2016. OEM no. ref.: W470589062300